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Our forthcoming Heroines program celebrates some amazing female composers throughout history.

First up we have Icelandic composer María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir. Born in 1980, Sigfúsdóttir has composed music for orchestras, choir, choreography and films, and her style has been described as "enormously compelling" (Gramophone, UK).

Her piece Clockworking (which opens our Heroines program), recorded by Nordic Affect, was described by NPR "Songs We Love" as feeling like "... you've stepped inside a giant clock. Gears of various sizes click and spin at their own pace — some interlock, others whir along independently. The effect is calming, a Gothic stateliness."

Australian composer Alice Chance is a sought-after composer, signer, conductor, arranger and writer, whose works are performed in concert halls, cathedrals, paddocks and showers all around Australia. Her work spans contemporary classical, choral music, musical theatre and sound art. 

VDB will be performing her work Salve Regina as part of Heroines - here's The Song Company performing another vocal work, Fiat Lux.

Biddy Connor's work Cannot You Use a Loving Violence is a powerful and emotive piece based on her personal experience of receiving treatment for breast cancer.

Biddy has composed, arranged and performed for a diverse range of projects including film, television, theatre, large-scale community events and games. She is also a violist, singer and musical saw player, and the Artistic Director and viola player for The Letter String Quartet.


Stand by to meet more of our musical Heroines over the coming days.

Heroines tours lutruwita/Tasmania for Ten Days on the Island in March. Click here for more details and bookings.